Thursday, February 3, 2011

You pay your doctor, dentist, stylist, grocer, ... now what about the minister?

Posts are the original thoughts and writings of Rev. Kelly Bates Oglesby

1 Cor. 9: 9 For it is written in the Law of Moses: "Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain." Is it about oxen that God is concerned? 10 Surely he says this for us, doesn't he? Yes, this was written for us, because when the plowman plows and the thresher threshes, they ought to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest.

I am not talking about your pastor or preacher. No, I am talking about the many women and men of God who serve God by serving the people of God without the support of a congregation. We are the ones who willingly and voluntarily give of ourselves in those everyday moments of your crisis or time of need.

Recognizing you belong to a church and that you should tithe into that church, I am not trying to place a price tag on our services. Yet, I am asking you to reflect on the time, energy and resources we expend to be available and capable of meeting you at your point of need.

Often, I am called when people do not want to reach out to their own pastor with an issue for a plethora of reasons. No need to get distracted by why someone is calling on me or other ministers in my position. The point is, I respond to their need with compassion and commitment. My response often means I am taken away from time that I could have invested in moneymaking ventures, family times, spiritual endeavors, creative outlets, or relaxation.

Meeting people at their point of need, often requires a meeting...requiring transportation expenses. In addition, most people contact me and other ministers like me through various technologies none of which are free to use. So, I have to pay my cell phone bill which includes a data package to support my smart phone, I have to maintain my laptop or netbook, as well as a printer, and have access to the internet to research various resources/referrals needed to resolve problems.

Ministry is not cheap nor is it easy. I realize that I answered the call I received from the Lord and that He is my provider. Yet, I wonder how many people consider the time, energy, education, resources, and money that I invest to keep my ministry relevant and reliable. I appreciate the kind words and truly would never withhold services until a fee was paid nor do I expect people not call me because they cannot pay or to feel like they are a burden.

However, ask yourself these few questions. The education and specialization of the minister I am calling did not come free, how do they support their needs? Why can I pay for other services and place such little value on those who pray and care for my soul? Do I value my car, house, hair, wardrobe, nails, shoes, sports, or you name it more than I value the spiritual clarity and leadership that I receive from the minister I know I can call or question when I need to do so?

How many times has the minister wiped my tears, cried with me, prayed with me, rebuked me, encouraged me, or held my hand and I allowed her or him to walk away empty handed?

1 Corinthians 9:11 If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you? 12 If others have this right of support from you, shouldn't we have it all the more? But we did not use this right. On the contrary, we put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ.

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